The statistics below are from a backtest from January 2014 to May of 2024. Past performance of our strategies not indicative of future results. Historical data is used for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a guarantee of future performance
Low Volatility Candidate
The lowest volatility algorithm that we have developed prioritizes safety and diversification. It has shown a compound annual growth rate of 22.64% vs the S&P's 9.95%. Historically our strategies volatility has been about 11% compared to the S&P's 18% with a maximum draw down of 9.1% vs the S&P's 33.92%.
Medium Volatility Candidate
Our medium volatility algorithm aims at balancing performance and safety. It has shown a compound annual growth rate of 37.03%, a volatility of 17% and a max draw down of 13.3%
High Volatility candidate
Our highest volatility algorithm that aims to achieve the highest performance. It has shown a compound annual growth rate 52.7% while slightly exceeding the Nasdaq's volatility at 25%. It has a max draw down of 25.04%.
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